
Sunday, 8 May 2011

Spelling Haterz

This is a question I've pondered: Why aren't I more confident and more effective at teaching spelling - when I'm essentially a very good speller? Is this not odd, if I consider myself a 'life-long learner' with a keen interest in morphology? How many times have I been tempted to say to a (KS2) student 'yes, 'sign' is spelt weirdly - can you just learn it!'

Anyway, in making this video my Yr4's invested much enthusiasm and it was clear during the lesson that a 'quest' approach culminating in a performance, motivated all children.

I use the video as a resource for other classes who are exploring this suffix (-tion, et al).


Ps. congratulations Zek - the birth of a new learner!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Gren. A really inspiring video yet again. I think by making it into a game of research and getting the pupils to act out their understanding as a creative outcome/performance, it becomes a really effective bit of assessment for learning. So often, we mark pupils understanding in private and there isn't the opportunity for pupils to learn from each other. Would be interested to know if the 'rap off' is something that you could use formatively at the end of the week to get students using some of the words they have learnt throughout the week or past month. It might get them making connections between different subject areas.

    Look forward to more videos!
